No.1 Article of Audiobooks
Never given belief to seek out full, selections in your audio book purchases? full, audiobooks can offer more listening contact per limited for a lower cost. But what's the difference?
Unabridged audio books contain basically any book recorded whole. Usually recorded as the author (and Usually the editor) intended it published in its primary print form, they receive limited or no editing. In other words if the print version of the book contains 500 pages, every word, sentence and paragraph from those pages will change to an audio format.
On the other hand an abridged audio book works just the opposite. Condensed from its primary form, the author and or editor approve this version before production. Condensing may squeeze that 500 page book into 200 pages worth of recording. Often called the "reader's digest" version in audio book form, you'll literally find it much shorter than the original. As an example of this you might think of a movie adaptation of a book as an abridged version of the primary work.
Many times the reasons to abridge are to save space. Where an full, audio book would take maybe twelve Cd's, the abridged version might take only four. The publisher can then payment a slightly less whole for the abridged version and earn more profit without losing much from the story?.Or do they?
As an example for cost and size I looked up one of my favorite titles by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen, The One limited Millionaire. The abridged version consists of three Cds that run 3 hours and 20 minutes and costs about . The full, version offers 10 Cds that run for 12 hours 21 minutes and retails around . Although I haven't listened to the abridged version I have to wonder just how much data was left out and what possible important parts.
Looking at the example I gave, for a limited more than twice the price you get roughly four times the listening contact and knowledge! The example prices I gave are retail. By using an audiobook club such as SimplyAudiobooks or Audible that offers titles for buy or rental the savings could be much much more.
To get the most enjoyment out of your audio book selections look to see if an full, versions is available. For the most cost savings join an audio book club and get full, titles whenever you can.
overall vs Abridged Audio Books, What's the Difference?
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